Student Honour List / Scholarship

Date Organization Programme Academic Honours / Scholarship Class (Year) Student Name
2017.10.02 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology School of Engineering Dean's List 6S
LAI Hiu-ching
2017.10.17 The Chinese University of Hong Kong -
Chung Chi College
--- Chung Chi College Admission Scholarship for Outstanding Extra-curricular Performance 6P
MA Ka-hei
WONG Yuk-yan
2017.12.22 The Chinese University of Hong Kong -
Wu Yee Sun College
--- Academic Excellence Scholarship 6S
KWOK Hiu-lam
College Services Award 6B
SIN Suet-ning
Outstanding Artistic Achievements Award
Outstanding Artistic Achievements Award 6P
YEUNG Ching-yiu
2018.01.19 華僑大學 經濟與金融學院金融學 林秀華香港優秀學生
2018.01.23 Hong Kong Baptist University Associate of Arts
(Music Studies)
President’s Honour Roll 6S
CHAN Sze-ka
Associate of Arts
(Film, Television and Digital Media Studies)
President’s Honour Roll 6K
SO Evangela
Associate of Arts
Dean's List 6K
YU Tsz-wing
2018.03.16 華僑大學 工商管理學院國際商務 2017年港澳台僑學生
2018.06.20 Hong Kong Baptist University Associate of Arts
(Film, Television and Digital Media Studies)
1st Semester - President’s Honour Roll,
2nd Semester - Dean's List
CHAN Ka-wai
Associate of Arts
(Creative Communication)
1st & 2nd Semester - Dean's List 6H
CHOW Wing-yi Winnie
LI Nga-yin
2018.06.28 The Chinese University of Hong Kong -
Wu Yee Sun College
--- Outstanding Artistic Achievements Award 6B
SIN Suet-ning
Outstanding Artistic Achievements Award 6P
YEUNG Ching-yiu
Innovation and Creativity Award


Date Organization Programme Class (Year) Student Name
2018.01.25 Hong Kong Sino-British Fellowship Trust Scholars’ Association Charles Frankland Moore Award 2017 6H
SZE Yik-yan





English Language


Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2017.10.12 Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Club Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition -- First Runner-up 5P 2 CHAN Lok Lam
5P 26 PAK Pui Yin
3S 7 CHU Oi Lui
2018.03.30 - 2018.04.01 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Model United Nations Club The Chinese University of Hong Kong Model United Nations Conference 2018 -- The Best Position Paper in the United Nations Human Rights Council 3P 8 FONG Chui-ying
3S 3 CHEN Sin-yu
2018.04 Hong Kong Schools Mooting and Mock Trial Association Hong Kong Schools Mooting and Mock Trial Competition 2017/18 Preliminaries II Benchers’ Lists of Honorary Mention for Outstanding Advocacy 5P 18 LAM Hoi-tung Angie
5H 11 FUNG Tsz-shan
4B 4 CHAN Wing-lam Edith
2018.05.08 The WYNG Foundation, Philomathia Foundation, Trinity Hall, the University of Cambridge, Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters The WYNG Philomathia Student Essay Contest 2017/18 -- Winner 4B 29 WONG Sum-chit

Chinese Language


Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2017.11.18 《星島日報》、《英文虎報》及教育局合辦 星島第三十三屆全港校際辯論比賽 第二回合初賽 最佳辯論員 5P 33 葉鍶泳
2018.02 - 2018.07 香港華語辯論會 第四屆華辯盃 -- 殿軍 2H 29 黃雅慧
4B 11 張玉怡
4S 9 何美文
4S 10 葉姵彤
2018.02.07 香港教育大學「理性溝通研究及發展計劃」及理性溝通教育學會 第十二屆「善言巧論:全港學生口語溝通大賽」 中學文憑組即席演講項目
總冠軍及小組優異獎 5B 35 蕭靄琳
小組優異獎及卓越論手獎 5B 35 蕭靄琳
2018.03 - 2018.08 香港浸會大學中文辯論隊 第二屆菁英盃中學生辯論賽 -- 季軍 2H 29 黃雅慧
2H 30 黃詩琳
4B 11 張玉怡
4S 9 何美文
2018.05.01 香港教育專業人員協會 第29屆中學生好書龍虎榜 書評寫作比賽
優異獎 2B 17 梁欣洛
2018.06.06 中國青少年語言文化學會 2017-18年全國青少年「菁英盃」語文知識大賽 現場作文初賽 二等獎 1P 24 趙泳喬
2018.07 - 2018.08 香港青年動力協會 第七屆思辯盃全港校際辯論邀請賽 -- 亞軍 4S 9 何美文
4S 10 葉姵彤
3P 29 謝詠雯
3S 31 王綺雯



Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2017.09.24 Australian Mathematics Trust Australian Mathematics Competition -- Distinction 5S 14 LI Pui-kwan Joycelyn
4P 11 KU Ka-ki Dorothy
3H 34 YU Ho-yan
2017.10.29, 2018.03.25 Hong Kong Gifted Education Association Pan-Asia Pacific International Mathematics Invitation Competition 2018 Preliminary round Second Prize 1B 11 LEUNG Cheuk-yin
Semi-final First Prize 1B 11 LEUNG Cheuk-yin
2017.11.26 香港資優及才華發展學院有限公司 香港城市大學「全港資優數學秋季賞」 -- 銀獎 6H 29 黃霈鈴
2017.12.16 香港資優及才華發展學院有限公司 全港資優數獨擂台比賽 -- 銀獎 5S 13 梁凱盈
2018.01 華夏奧數之星教育研究學會 "華杯"奧數之星創新思維全國聯賽 中一組 一等獎 1B 11 梁綽然
2018.01.06, 2018.02.25, 2018.04.15 香港數學奧林匹克協會 《華夏盃》全國中小學數學奧林匹克邀請賽2018 香港賽區初賽 二等獎 3H 34 余可恩
2H 23 施凱晴
2H 31 楊珺堯
1B 11 梁綽然
1B 16 林曉敏
三等獎 2P 15 劉姵伶
1B 2 陳嘉凝
1B 8 高芷晴
1H 24 吳詠詩
華南賽區晉級賽 一等獎 1B 16 林曉敏
二等獎 3H 34 余可恩
1B 11 梁綽然
三等獎 2H 31 楊珺堯
1H 24 吳詠詩
全國總決賽 二等獎 1B 16 林曉敏
三等獎 1H 24 吳詠詩
2018.03.18 The Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association Hong Kong & Macau Mathematical Olympiad Open Contest cum The Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Open Contest Trial -- Gold Honour 5B 26 TANG Yee-ching
4B 30 WONG Sum-yi
4P 11 KU Ka-ki Dorothy
Silver Honour 5S 13 LEUNG Hoi-ying Janet
5S 14 LI Pui-kwan Joycelyn
1B 11 LEUNG Cheuk-yin
1S 27 LI Yan-tung Claudia
Bronze Honour 3H 34 YU Ho-yan
2H 23 SZE Hoi-ching
2H 35 ZHANG Tianle
1B 2 CHAN Ka-ying
1H 24 NG Wing-sze
2018.04.21 香港培正中學 第十七屆培正數學邀請賽 決賽 優異獎 4B 30 黃心怡
3B 15 梁詠舒
1B 11 梁綽然
2018.04.22 中國數學教育研究會、香港數學奧林匹克協會 2018兩岸菁英數學邀請賽 初賽 二等獎 1B 11 梁綽然
1H 24 吳詠詩
三等獎 1H 17 林伊涵
2018.04.28 香港保良局、香港數理教育學會 第二十屆香港青少年數學精英選拔賽 -- 三等榮譽獎 3B 15 梁詠舒
3P 23 彭安喬
3P 32 黃詩詠
2018.04.29 - 2018.05.01 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Secondary School Mathematics & Science Competition 2018 Mathematics High Distinction 5B 8 HUANG Ching-yu
5B 15 LEE Pui-yan Chloe
5B 26 TANG Yee-ching
5B 29 TSANG Ching-yu
5S 12 LEE Wing-lam Nakita
2018.05.06 The Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association The Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Open Contest Semi-final Silver Honour 1B 11 LEUNG Cheuk-yin
Bronze Honour 5B 26 TANG Yee-ching
3H 34 YU Ho-yan
1H 24 NG Wing-sze
1S 27 LI Yan-tung Claudia



Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2017.10 - 2018.03 消費者委員會 第十九屆消費文化考察報告獎 -- 特別嘉許獎 4B 7 陳珮晴
4B 13 鄧嘉尹
4B 20 羅詠楠
4P 18 梁靄祺
4P 21 譚樂然



Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2017.08.21 新創建集團有限公司及香港地貌岩石保育協會 第七屆青年地質保育大使培訓計劃 領袖訓練營 最佳表現隊伍 5P 8 張天穎
2017.12.17 Hong Kong Geographical Association 8th Hong Kong Geography Olympiad -- Second Runner-up 6H 23 PANG Man-tung
2018.01.27 - 2018.05.05 Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre and Hong Kong Observatory Weather Observation Competition 2018 Project Report Merit 5B 11 KO Long-ching Natalie
5P 29 TSUI Pik-yu
5S 13 LEUNG Hoi-ying Janet
5H 21 LEE Wing-yan
Weather Photo The Most Popular Weather Photo, Merit 5B 2 CHAN Tin-yuet
5P 8 CHEUNG Tin-wing Clara
5P 18 LAM Hoi-tung Angie
5H 22 LEUNG Ching-lam
Merit 5B 11 KO Long-ching Natalie
5P 29 TSUI Pik-yu
5S 13 LEUNG Hoi-ying Janet
5H 21 LEE Wing-yan
2018.07.14 新創建集團有限公司及香港地貌岩石保育協會 第七屆青年地質保育大使培訓計劃 -- 銀獎 5B 2 陳天悅
5P 8 張天穎
5P 18 林海彤



Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2017.10.24 - 2017.10.29 CUHK Health Exhibition Organizing Committee Hong Kong Secondary School Health Exhibition Presentation Competition 2017 -- Distinction 5B 21 MOK Tsz-yan Janice
5B 35 XIAO Ailin
5P 8 CHEUNG Tin-wing Clara
5P 18 LAM Hoi-tung Angie
5P 32 YEUNG Nok-ming
2017.12.23 Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education Hong Kong Biology Literacy Award -- Second Class Honour 5S 10 KWOK Hoi-tung
5S 12 LEE Wing-lam Nakita
2018.04.29 - 2018.05.01 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Secondary School Mathematics & Science Competition 2018 Biology High Distinction 5B 24 TANG Ho-ka
2018.05.23 Royal Society of Biology (Hong Kong Branch) Hong Kong Specimen Drawing Competition -- Outstanding Award 5P 23 NG Pui-pui
5P 35 ZHU Yalan
Highly Commended Award 5P 26 PAK Pui-yin
5P 34 ZHANG Charlotte Xinglu
4B 17 KAN Wai-sze
4B 30 WONG Sum-yi



Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2017.08.31 Hong Kong Virtual University (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) Chemists Online Self-study Award Scheme (COSAS) 2017 -- Diamond Award 5B 12 LAU Pui-yan
5B 24 TANG Ho-ka
5B 26 TANG Yee-ching
5B 29 TSANG Ching-yu
5B 33 WONG Ka-yan
5B 34 WU Wing-kiu
5P 27 TAI Hou-man
5P 32 YEUNG Nok-ming
5P 33 YIP Si-wing
2018.04.29 - 2018.05.01 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Secondary School Mathematics & Science Competition 2018 Chemistry High Distinction 5B 8 HUANG Ching-yu
5B 15 LEE Pui-yan Chloe
5B 20 MAK Ka-yan
5B 21 MOK Tsz-yan Janice
5B 24 TANG Ho-ka
5B 27 TONG Chung-yi
5P 32 YEUNG Nok-ming
5S 8 IP Yin-yu
5S 12 LEE Wing-lam Nakita



Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2018.04.28 Hong Kong Institute of Construction Pasta Tower Challenge -- Merit 4B 28 WONG Suet-ying
4B 32 WONG Tsz-wai
4P 11 KU Ka-ki Dorothy
4P 26 TSOI Lu-yi Lucky
2018.04.29 - 2018.05.01 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Secondary School Mathematics & Science Competition 2018 Physics High Distinction 5B 8 HUANG Ching-yu
5B 24 TANG Ho-ka



Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2017.11.20 - 2017.12.20 Hong Kong Schools Music & Speech Association 69th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (English) Solo Verse Speaking First Place 3B 29 WONG Bonnie
2B 22 TAM Yi-lam
2B 25 TSANG Claudia
1P 20 PAK Yuen-ting Ellie
Second Place 4B 14 HO Wan Venus
3P 2 CHAN Kei-yiu Nicole
2H 33 YU Hong-ching
1B 20 LO Yan-hoi
Third Place 4H 12 HO Yat-chin
2B 1 ALI Raazia
1H 32 YEUNG Hiu-laam
Dramatic Duologue Second Place 5BP 35,18 XIAO Ailin, LAM Hoi-tung Angie
Third Place 2S 26,30 PAT Cheuk-yin, SO Ho-shuen
Public Speaking Solo First Place 3S 7 CHU Oi-lui
Harmonic Speaking Second Place 4H -- --
香港學校音樂及朗誦協會 第六十九屆香港學校朗誦節(中文朗誦粵語組) 散文集誦 冠軍 4B -- --
二人朗誦 冠軍 5BH 27, 9 湯頌怡、徐爾雅
2S 17, 33 劉芓彤、嚴嘉雯
亞軍 4BP 7, 21 陳珮晴、譚樂然
季軍 3B 2, 35 陳可晴、葉言宛沁
3B 5, 9 張樂瑤、黃諾琳
1BS 26, 26 曾熙媛、梁泳千
散文獨誦 冠軍 5B 35 蕭靄琳
3S 7 朱皚蕾
詩詞獨誦 冠軍 1S 18 簡靖文
歌詞朗誦 亞軍 4P 11 辜嘉琪
第六十九屆香港學校朗誦節(中文朗誦普通話組) 散文獨誦 冠軍 3B 29 王喬
亞軍 2H 28 黃楚喬
季軍 2H 4 陳沃蓓
2H 9 戴穎怡
詩詞獨誦 冠軍 3B 29 王喬



Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2017.09.17 孔教學院 二零一七孔聖杯全港孔教儒家書法大賽 硬筆中學組 優良獎 3B 2 陳可晴
2018.06.08 中國旗袍協會香港總會 全港旗袍設計比賽
高中組 最具創意獎 5H 5 鄭喬心



Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2017.11.25 香港教育專業人員協會 閱讀嘉年華話劇比賽 -- 亞軍 -- -- 中文戲劇學會
2018.02.27 Education Bureau Hong Kong Schools Drama Festival -- Award for Outstanding Script, Award for Outstanding Director, Award for Outstanding Performer, Award for Outstanding Stage Effect, Award for Outstanding Cooperation, Award for Commendable Overall Performance -- -- English Drama Club





Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2017.08.06 新聲音樂協會 《新聲盃》中樂獨奏比賽 彈撥B中級組 亞軍 1S 28 杜凱晴
2017.10.27 Education Bureau GalaMusica – School Chamber Composition -- Outstanding Composition Award, Performers’ Adjudication Award 5B 19 MA Ho-ka
2017.11.19 屯門文藝協進會 屯門區中西器樂比賽2017 中樂彈撥B
亞軍 1S 28 杜凱晴
2017.11.23 - 2018.02.02 Education Bureau GalaMusica – School Creative Works 2018 -- Best Performance Prize – Silver Award,
Best Creative Ideas Prize – Bronze Award
1B 1 BO Hiu-ching
2S 33 YIM Ka-man
3H 24 NG Ka-yu Priscilla
4P 11 KU Ka-ki Dorothy
4P 13 LAM Cheuk-ying
4P 20 NG Cheuk-sze
4P 33 YU Nga-kei
4S 7 CHU Tan-ching
5B 19 MA Ho-ka
5H 13 HO Jiong-yung Selina
5H 35 YEUNG Wing-yue
5P 4 CHAN Wing-ka
5P 24 NG Sze-wing
5P 33 YIP Si-wing
5S 6 HO Ying-wai
5S 11 KWOK Ying-tung
5S 29 YU Cheuk-ying
2017.12.22 - 2017.11.30 Hong Kong Music Office Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows Chinese Orchestra Contest Gold Award -- -- School Chinese Orchestra
String Orchestra Contest Gold Award -- -- School String Orchestra
Symphony Orchestra Contest Gold Award -- -- School Symphony Orchestra
Symphonic Band Contest Silver Award -- -- School Symphonic Band
2017.11.18 - 2017.11.19 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Hong Kong International
a cappella Contest 2017
School – Choral Ensemble – Heat Silver Diploma -- -- School Choir
School – Vocal Band – Heat Bronze Diploma -- -- School Choir
2017.12.17 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Hong Kong International
a cappella Contest 2017
School – Choral Ensemble – Final Bronze Diploma -- -- School Choir
2017.12.28 Hong Kong Youth Performance Art and Development Association The 5th Hong Kong International Youth Performing Arts Festival ABRSM Woodwind Category – Advanced (Flute) Gold Prize 4P 12 KWOK Tsz-wing
2018.01.27 Hong Kong Youth Performance Art and Development Association The 5th Hong Kong International Youth Performing Arts Festival – International Final ABRSM Woodwind Category – Advanced (Flute) Second Place 4P 12 KWOK Tsz-wing
2018.02.26 - 2018.03.28 Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 70th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival Tom Lee Music Prize for Piano Ensemble – Secondary School First Place -- -- Piano Ensemble
Secondary School Choir – Chinese – Mixed Voice – First Division – Intermediate – Age 16 or under Second Place -- -- Intermediate Mixed Choir (with Wah Yan College Kowloon)
Secondary School Choir– Foreign Language – Mixed Voice – First Division – Intermediate – Age 16 or under Second Place -- -- Intermediate Mixed Choir (with Wah Yan College Kowloon)
Secondary School Choir – Chinese – Mixed Voice – First Division – Junior – Age 14 or under, treble voice only Third Place -- -- Junior Mixed Choir (with St. Paul's College)
Woodwind Ensemble – Secondary School – Senior (Same Instrument) Third Place -- -- Woodwind Ensemble
Woodwind Ensemble – Secondary School – Junior (Same Instrument) Third Place -- -- Woodwind Ensemble
Woodwind Ensemble – Secondary School – Senior (Combination of Different Instruments) Second Place -- -- Woodwind Ensemble
Church Music – Foreign Language – Secondary School Choir – Age 14 or under Third Place -- -- Junior Choir
String Orchestra – Secondary School – Senior Third Place -- -- String Orchestra
Symphony Orchestra – Secondary School – Intermediate Third Place -- -- Symphony Orchestra
Secondary School Choir – Foreign Language – Girls – First Division – Senior Certificate of Honours -- -- Senior Choir
Secondary School Choir – Chinese – Girls – First Division – Senior Certificate of Honours -- -- Senior Choir
Secondary School Choir – Foreign Language – Girls – First Division – Junior – Age 14 or under Certificate of Merit -- -- Junior Choir
Brass Ensemble – Secondary School Certificate of Merit -- -- Brass Ensemble
Madrigal – Mixed Voice – Secondary School Certificate of Merit -- -- Madrigal
(with Wah Yan College Kowloon)
Madrigal – Mixed Voice – Secondary School Certificate of Merit -- -- Madrigal
(with St. Paul's College)
Chinese Orchestra – Secondary School – Intermediate Certificate of Proficiency -- -- Chinese Orchestra
Woodwind Ensemble – Secondary School – Senior (Same Instrument) Certificate of Proficiency -- -- Saxophone Quartet
2018.04.26 - 2018.05.11 香港聯校音樂協會 聯校音樂大賽 中學合奏
金獎 4B 1 陳楚翹
4B 12 周卓盈
銀獎 4B 18 林珈同
4P 32 葉安庭
中學木管樂(長笛)獨奏 — 高級組 金獎 4P 12 郭芷穎
中學歌唱組獨唱 金獎 4P 15 李心怡
中學鋼琴獨奏 — 公開組 亞軍 4B 17 簡惠思
中學音樂創作 — 個人電音組 銅獎 4P 12 郭芷穎
2018.05.26 Hong Kong Musical Art Development Centre 2018 Hong Kong Youth Music Competition Brass and Woodwind – Youth Senior Second Runner-up 5P 4 CHAN Wing-ka







Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2017.09.26 - 2017.11.23 The Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation Inter-School Basketball Competition 2017/18 – Division One (Hong Kong) Overall Second Runner-up -- -- Basketball Team
A Grade Second Runner-up -- -- Basketball Team
C Grade Third Runner-up -- -- Basketball Team



Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2017.10.04 - 2018.04.15 The Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation Inter-School Badminton Competition 2017/18 – Division Two (Hong Kong) Overall First Runner-up -- -- Badminton Team
C Grade Champion -- -- Badminton Team



Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2018.01.23 - 2018.02.03 Hong Kong Schools Dance Association Limited and Education Bureau 54th Hong Kong Schools Dance Festival

Western Dance

Armenian Dance Honours Award and Choreography Award -- -- Folk Dance Team
Serbian Dance (Trio) Honours Award 5B 10 HUNG Ying-chi Helen
5B 14 LAU Wing-yan
5P 17 NG Man-wa
Bulgarian Dance Highly Commended Award -- -- Folk Dance Team

Chinese Dance

Honours Award -- -- Chinese Dance Team
Honours Award -- -- Chinese Dance Team
Highly Commended Award 4P 26 TSOI Lu-yi Lucky
4P 34 YEUNG Ho-man
4H 12 HO Yat-chin
Highly Commended Award 4B 18 LAM Ka-tong

Oriental Dance

Highly Commended Award 5P 1 CHAN Ching-tung
5H 6 CHEUNG Cheuk-yiu
4B 18 LAM Ka-tong
2018.05.17 - 2018.05.19 Kwun Tong District Culture and Recreation Promotion Association 46th Open Dance Contest

Western Dance

Bulgarian Dance Gold Award and The Best Performance Award -- -- Folk Dance Team
Armenian Dance Gold Award -- -- Folk Dance Team
Serbian Dance Silver Award -- -- Folk Dance Team

Chinese Dance

Gold Award -- -- Chinese Dance Team
Gold Award -- -- Chinese Dance Team
Silver Award 4P 26 TSOI Lu-yi Lucky
4P 34 YEUNG Ho-man
4H 12 HO Yat-chin
Silver Award 1P 22 TIN Sum-yuet
1S 18 KAN Ching-man
1S 31 WONG Sze-yu
Silver Award 1S 15 HUANG Xinyue
Silver Award 4B 18 LAM Ka-tong

Oriental Dance

Silver Award 5H 6 CHEUNG Cheuk-yiu
4B 18 LAM Ka-tong
4H 12 HO Yat-chin



Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2018.03.18 全日本空手道連盟剛柔會(香港誠和會) 香港剛柔會空手道大賽 十五歲以上女子自由組手 冠軍 5S 10 郭鎧彤
十六歲以上女子套拳(高級組) 亞軍
男女子混合隊制自由組手 冠軍
十六歲以上男女子混合隊制套拳 季軍
2018.04.19 - 2018.04.23 East Asian Karatedo Federation The 8th EAKF Championship 2018, in Gimpo, Korea Junior Female Individual Kumite (-53kg) Second Runner-up 5S 10 郭鎧彤



Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2017.09.24 Hong Kong Orienteering Club HKOC Committee Cup 2017/2018 cum Open Event Age 16 or below Champion 4P 11 KU Ka-ki Dorothy
2017.10.05 Pro-Active Orienteering Club Pro-Active Orienteering Sprint 2017 (Stage 2) Women Youth First Runner-up 4P 11 KU Ka-ki Dorothy
2017.10.07 Pro-Active Orienteering Club Pro-Active Orienteering Sprint 2017 (Stage 3) Women Youth Second Runner-up 4P 11 KU Ka-ki Dorothy
2017.10.28 Y2Y Orienteering Development and Training Limited Y2Y Park Orienteering Tournament 2017
(Stage 4)
Women Youth Champion 4B 8 CHENG Sum-yu
2017.11.05 Orienteering Association of Hong Kong Hong Kong Orienteering Club Orienteering Championships 2016/2017 cum Hong Kong Orienteering League 2017 (Middle-Long Distance) – Ngong Ping Age 16 or below Champion 4P 11 KU Ka-ki Dorothy
2017.11.12 Pro-Active Orienteering Club Pro-Active Orienteering Sprint 2017 (Stage 4) Women Youth Second Runner-up 4P 11 KU Ka-ki Dorothy
2017.11.19 The Hong Kong Maritime and Port Board (HKMPB), Hong Kong Shipowners Association and Hong Kong Maritime Museum HK Maritime Week Orienteering Race 2017 – Secondary School Mixed Gender Champion 4P 11 KU Ka-ki Dorothy
2017.11.29 Pro-Active Orienteering Club Pro-Active Orienteering Sprint 2017 (Final Stage) Women Youth Champion 4P 11 KU Ka-ki Dorothy
2018.01.28 Orienteering Association of Hong Kong Hong Kong Orienteering Ranking League 2018 (Sprint) – Tuen Mun Park Age 18 or below Champion 4P 11 KU Ka-ki Dorothy
2018.02.03 Orienteering Association of Hong Kong Joint School District Orienteering Championships 2017/2018 (Hong Kong Island District) Overall Champion -- -- Orienteering Team
A Grade Champion
B Grade Champion
C Grade Second Runner-up
2018.02.10 Orienteering Association of Hong Kong Joint School District Orienteering Championships 2017/2018 (Final) Overall Second Runner-up -- -- Orienteering Team
A Grade Champion
2018.03.10 Orienteering Association of Hong Kong Hong Kong Youth Orienteering Championships 2017/2018 Age 18 or below Champion 5P 10 FUNG Wing-ki
First Runner-up 5H 2 CHAN Sze-long
Second Runner-up 5S 18 PANG Wing
2018.04.22 Wofoo Social Enterprises Hong Kong Water Race 2018 Student Ninth Place 4B 8 CHENG Sum-yu
4P 11 KU Ka-ki Dorothy
2018.05.19 Y2Y Orienteering Development and Training Limited Y2Y Park Orienteering Tournament 2018 (Stage 1) Women Youth First Runner-up 4P 11 KU Ka-ki Dorothy
2018.05.27 Orienteering Association of Hong Kong Hong Kong Orienteering Ranking (Sprint) -- Champion 4P 11 KU Ka-ki Dorothy
2018.06 Orienteering Association of Hong Kong Hong Kong Orienteering Ranking League Events 2017 – Sprint – Overall Age 16 or below Second Runner-up 4P 11 KU Ka-ki Dorothy
2018.06 Orienteering Association of Hong Kong Hong Kong Orienteering Ranking League Events 2017 – Middle-Long Distance – Overall Age 16 or below Second Runner-up 4P 11 KU Ka-ki Dorothy
2018.06.02 Y2Y Orienteering Development and Training Limited Y2Y Park Orienteering Tournament 2018 (Stage 2) Women Youth First Runner-up 4P 11 KU Ka-ki Dorothy
2018.06.24 Y2Y Orienteering Development and Training Limited Y2Y Park Orienteering Tournament 2018 (Stage 3) Women Youth First Runner-up 4P 11 KU Ka-ki Dorothy

Roller Skating


Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2017.12.30 Hong Kong Federation of Roller Sports Hong Kong Roller Free Skating Open Competition 2017/18 Ladies Group 3 (Age 9-11) First Runner-up 1B 29 Wong Choi-yan

Rope Skipping


Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2017.12.03 & 2018.01.06 中國香港跳繩總會 全港跳繩精英賽2018暨香港代表隊選拔賽 — 15歲或以上女子團體組 總成績 亞軍 3S 31 王綺雯
四人單人繩速度接力比賽 亞軍
四人交互繩速度接力比賽 亞軍
二人單人繩花式比賽 季軍
四人單人繩花式比賽 季軍
團體四人交互繩花式比賽 冠軍
全港跳繩精英賽2018(表演盃)暨香港代表隊選拔賽 — 公開組 總成績 冠軍 3S 31 王綺雯
2018.07.24 - 2018.08.02 世界跳繩聯盟 世界跳繩錦標賽 表演盃
亞軍 3S 31 王綺雯



Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
Hong Kong Skating Union 2017/2018 Asian Junior Figure Skating Challenge – Hong Kong Basic Junior Ladies Second Place 4H 19 LI Hoi-ching
Elite Junior Ladies Group 1 Third Place 3S 6 CHOW Hiu-yau
Elite Junior Ladies Group 2 First Place 5P 9 CHOW Hiu-lok
2018.04 Hong Kong Sports Institute Limited Elite Training Grant – Skating -- Sports Scholarships Athlete 5P 9 CHOW Hiu-lok
3S 6 CHOW Hiu-yau
2018.04.25 Hong Kong Skating Union Limited Hong Kong Figure Skating and Short Track Speed Skating Championships 2018 – Figure Skating Junior Ladies Third Place 3S 6 CHOW Hiu-yau
Fourth Place 5P 9 CHOW Hiu-lok
2018.06.03 Hong Kong Skating Union Limited 2017/2018 Asian Junior Figure Skating Challenge – Beijing, China Elite Junior Ladies Fourth Place 3S 6 CHOW Hiu-yau



Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2017.10.18 - 2017.10.27 The Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation Inter-School Swimming Competition 2017/18 – Division One

B Grade

50m Breast Stroke Second Runner-up 4P 5 CHOW Oi-yiu
100m Freestyle Second Runner-up 4P 22 TANG Pui-man
4x50m Medley Relay Third Runner-up 4B 19 LEUNG Tsz-ching
4P 5 CHOW Oi-yiu
4P 22 TANG Pui-man
3H 20 LAW Wing-yin Winky

Table Tennis


Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2017.11.25 The Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation Inter-School Table Tennis Competition 2017/18 – Division Two A Grade Second Runner-up -- -- Table Tennis Team



Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2017.10.07 - 2017.10.08 Windsurfing Association of Hong Kong Hong Kong Windsurfing Circuit 2017 – Cheung Chau Championships Techno Class – Minim Girls First Runner-up 1S 12 FUNG Yuk-kiu Yukie
2017.10.28 - 2017.10.29 Windsurfing Association of Hong Kong Hong Kong Windsurfing Circuit 2017 – Stanley Championships Techno Class – Minim Girls Champion 1S 12 FUNG Yuk-kiu Yukie
2017.12.02 - 2017.12.03 Windsurfing Association of Hong Kong Hong Kong Windsurfing Circuit 2017 – Kowloon Championships Techno Class – Minim Girls Champion 1S 12 FUNG Yuk-kiu Yukie
2017.12.16 - 2017.12.17 Windsurfing Association of Hong Kong Hong Kong Windsurfing Circuit 2017 – Shek O Championships Techno Class – Minim Girls Champion 1S 12 FUNG Yuk-kiu Yukie
2018.05.19 - 2018.05.20 The Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China Samsung 61st Festival of Sport Regatta – Windsurfing Competition Techno Class – Junior Girls Second Runner-up 1S 12 FUNG Yuk-kiu Yukie
2018.06.02 - 2018.06.03 Windsurfing Association of Hong Kong Hong Kong Windsurfing Circuit 2018 – Tolo Championships Techno Class – Junior Girls First Runner-up 1S 12 FUNG Yuk-kiu Yukie
2018.07.03 Windsurfing Association of Hong Kong Hong Kong Windsurfing Circuit 2017 – Overall Techno Class – Minim Girls Champion 1S 12 FUNG Yuk-kiu Yukie



Date Organization Competition Section Award Class Class
Student Name
2017.09.25 CityU Apps Lab, Faculty of Social Sciences, HKU and Kwai Chung Hospital Future Leaders Initiative Programme 2017 – “Mental Health x Make Your Own App!” -- Award of Diligence, Most Popular Mobile App Award 4B 26 TSE Lara Suk-foon
2017.10.02 香港基本法推介聯席會議 第十四屆《基本法》大使培訓計劃 — 「政策多面體」政策報告書比賽 -- 亞軍 5B 12 劉沛欣
2017.11.25 香港島校長聯會 2017年香港島傑出學生選舉 高中組 香港島十大傑出學生 6B 1 陳小蝶
初中組 香港分區傑出學生 3S 31 王綺雯
2017.11.26 百樂施教育基金會有限公司 「阿爸、阿媽,食飯喇!」校際烹飪比賽 -- 季軍 5S 9 關愛梅
5S 25 王詩雯
5H 24 伍靜嵐
2017.12 Hong Kong Social Welfare Department, Volunteer Movement Volunteer Service Award -- Gold Award 4B 8 CHENG Sum-yu
Silver Award 5S 13 LEUNG Hoi-ying Janet
5S 23 TSE Wing-yu
4B 22 TAM Lok-yin
4B 30 WONG Sum-yi
4P 11 KU Ka-ki Dorothy
4P 22 TANG Pui-man
4H 20 LI Yan-lok
Bronze Award 6S 11 LAM Sin-nung Rose
6S 26 YIU Man-hei
5B 7 FAN Hoi-ning
5B 12 LAU Pui-yan
5S 18 PANG Wing
5S 23 TSE Wing-yu
2017.12.03 Agency for Volunteer Service Hong Kong Community Volunteers -- Silver Award 6S 11 LAM Sin-nung Rose
Bronze Award 4B 8 CHENG Sum-yu
2018.01.27 東區及灣仔區推廣義工服務協調委員會 凝聚愛.傳千里 —
-- 金獎及傑出義工小組(救世軍柴灣青少年綜合服務家添力量義工組) 4B 8 鄭心愉
金獎 4P 11 辜嘉琪
4P 22 鄧佩雯
銀獎 5S 23 謝詠茹
銅獎 5B 7 范海寧
2018.03.03 東區區議會 2017-2018年東區傑出
-- 東區傑出青年 6S 11 林善濃
2018.03.17 The South China Morning Post and The Hong Kong Jockey Club SCMP Hong Kong Student of the Year Award Sportsperson Merit 5P 9 CHOW Hiu-lok
Scientist & Mathematician Merit 5B 21 MOK Tsz-yan Janice
2018.03.24 和富社會企業 和富青少年網絡系列活動 — 傑出公民學生獎勵計劃2017/18 -- 和富香港學生公民大使 5S 10 郭鎧彤
2018.05.13 香港女童軍 優秀女童軍選舉 -- 隊伍優秀
5H 34 楊愷琳
2018.06 環境保護運動委員會 2017/18年度學生環境保護大使計劃 — 傑出學生環境保護大使 -- 金獎 5B 1 陳靖童
銀獎 5B 13 劉芷晴
銅獎 5P 11 何靖妍
2018.06.04 東區學校聯絡委員會 東區學校模範生獎 -- 東區學校模範生獎 5B 27 湯頌怡
3S 2 陳善瑩
東區學校進步生獎 -- 東區學校進步生獎 5S 19 邵卓琳
4S 3 陳穎嫻
3B 27 曾巧潼
2B 35 余采恒
2018.07.03 教育局訓育及輔導組 官立中學優秀領袖生團隊嘉許計劃 -- 金獎 5B 24 鄧可嘉
5P 3 陳思穎
5P 19 羅恩寧
5P 26 白沛妍
5P 27 戴灝雯
5S 14 李珮均
4H 19 李愷晴
3B 29 王喬
2018.08.09 仁濟醫院健康資源中心 “Best Project”— 醫院暑期學生義工訓練及服務計劃2018 -- Best of the BEST最投入服務獎 5B 27 湯頌怡

